Expert Services--Litigation Support
Retained as an expert witness by The Trace Dillon Law Firm for the case, Wolf Creek Homeowners Association vs. Northwest Exterminating Co. Settled prior to trial.
Retained as an expert by Randall Tinsley of Brooks Pierce, Greensboro, North Carolina. Investigated accelerated sedimentation in privately-owned impoundment on a stream draining part of a national park. Settled prior to trial.
Retained as an expert witness for the California Department of Water Resources under the supervision of Carlson, Calladine & Peterson, LLP of San Francisco. Provided expert witness services as an employee of cbec eco engineering in support of defendant, California Department of Water Resources in litigation arising from the Oroville Dam Spillway erosion incident, JCCP 4974. Client prevailed on all counts.
Retained as an expert by Baker Hostetler, LLP, Los Angeles, California. Addressed concerns raised by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding a riparian Superfund site by performing a qualitative geomorphic assessment of lateral channel stability of San Jacinto River, Texas. Matter settled by regulatory ruling.
Retained as an expert by Lafayette Civic Center in prelitigation examination of erosion and sedimentation impacts on a small lake related to adjacent earthmoving activities. Settled prior to trial.
Retained as an expert by Willoughby and Hoefer, P.A., Columbia, South Carolina. Case (Snyder et al. v. SCE&G) involves assignment of responsibility for extensive flooding of residential areas during high-flow events associated with Hurricane Joaquin in October 2015. Case settled prior to trial.
Retained as an expert by Wheeler and Howorth, landowners adjacent to Shaw Place, an antebellum home surrounded by 5 acres inside the City of Oxford, Mississippi. Provided a written report and testimony before the City Planning Commission regarding effects of development on runoff and erosion. Case settled prior to litigation.
Retained as an expert witness by Daniel, Coker, Horton & Bell, Oxford, Mississippi. Case (Kmart Corporation v. City of Corinth, MS et al.) involved flooding of a retail shopping center. I assessed the evidence in the case and critiqued analysis and report by plaintiff’s expert. Case was settled out of court.
Retained as an expert witness by Daniel, Coker, Horton & Bell, Oxford, Mississippi. Case (Crockett et al. v. City of Saltillo, MS) involved flooding of a subdivision. I prepared a preliminary report and a work plan for more detailed analysis. Case was settled out of court.
Retained as an expert consultant and potential expert witness by Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP, Sacramento, California, counsel to Robert Mori and Robert Mori II, in the case of Mori II v. Baroni, et al. I was never called upon to serve.
Consultant to Village of Taylor, Mississippi. Provided an examination of runoff, storm drainage, and erosion and sedimentation issues surrounding design of the Main Street Taylor Development. Acted as consulting expert at request of Freeland & Freeland law firm, Oxford, Mississippi.
Retained as expert witness by Mr. Dana Swan, partner, Chapman, Lewis & Swan, Clarksdale, Mississippi. Case involved erosion of a stream channel bank and attendant damage to client’s property following work on the channel by a real estate developer. Following my deposition, developer settled outside of court.